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Providing the people around the world
equal access to the best medical care

Logo of Sigron inc.


Advancing EEG Analysis and Interpretation based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Supervision to a new level of Integration with Contemporary Management of Brain Disease.

SIGRON innovative approach can provide EEG data processing by artificial intelligence applying the latest advanced proprietary algorithms and report significant EEG analysis results under the supervision of experts in interpretation of clinical and neurophysiological data.

The main characteristics of this innovative approach are:
FAST Extremely fast processing and interpretation of EEG and other data, resulting from the AI machine processing complemented with the required supervision by clinical neuroscience experts before final reporting.

SAFE  Safe handling of personal and clinical data with encrypting, encoding and transfer through high security VPN channels for the upload of primary source data and download of reports.

"SIGRON Co. Ltd. has an established practice safeguarding the private information of all participants related to the Services it provides.
This practice is based on the highest existing legal regulations and ethical principles governing patient care.
The full Privacy policy of SIGRON Co. Ltd. is available here:

INEXPENSIVE Significant reduction of expenses for analysis and report of EEG and other neurophysiological data due to machine analysis with less human participation and use of cloud and internet technology. Expert reporting of such investigations by a human expert requires much more time, physical presence with the data record and availability of such experts.

EVERYWHERE Provision of services to EEG and neurophysiological laboratories and neurological clinics, where experts are not permanently available, practically from everywhere in the world if internet connection to the cloud (“Neurocloud” of SIGRON) is available. This will reduce inequalities of medical care in remote and low-income areas.

INTELLIGENT As based on machine learning, it allows continuous upgrade of the analytical capabilities of the systems.
That will also permit the creation of Reference and Educational Standards in Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology based on the accumulation of clinical and neurophysiological data and their interpretation, analyzed as a global database.

How will the system work?
The system is accessible with easy to perform workflow for every EEG specialist with basic computer skills – both physician or technologist.
The steps to submit data and obtain the report are as follows:

  1. Application of the specialist and immediate reply from SIGRON with the protocol of upload (websites, format, etc.)

  2. Upload at the discretion of the specialist with immediate confirmation when completed or suggestions how to complete it when it was not. Will be given suggestion for the time when the report will be issued and its format.

  3. Next back contact informing on completion of report and instructions how to download it.

  4. Option for additional Q and A on the report.


Who are we and what is the impact of our mission

SIGRON is lead by a group of experts in clinical neurosciences (basic, clinical and surgical) applying artificial intelligence. Each of them is in charge of the development and supervision of one of the essential parts of the process of analysis and reporting, controlling quality with the help of fellow experts. The members of the group are:

Chief Executive Officer Madoka Nakajima

Chief Medical Officer Hidenori Sugano  

Chief Technical Officer Toshihisa Tanaka 

Director, Vice President of Engineering Ryosuke Matsui 

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Providing the people around the world with equal and the highest standard of medical care

Current Mission and Vision for the Future
AI and cloud technology bridging experts and patients in need is under fast development, expanding in many areas of medicine. A centralized point for data analysis, gathering experts and advanced technology allows easier and faster implementation of the latest scientific achievements in practice. With broadening the networks, previously not having access to high quality medical care populations will have a significant improvement of that care, bringing the “best” to the “most remote”.
The reason to promote our remote EEG diagnostic capabilities globally is to deliver the highest standard of medical care in the world through accurate EEG interpretation and diagnosis. We believe that fast, inexpensive, easy to obtain and accurate EEG diagnosis can contribute to much better medical care.
At national level, imaging tests such as CT and MRI are widely used In Japan, however, there is comparative regional deficiency in EEG-based medical services. Looking throughout the world, this deficiency is even greater. In areas of great clinical significance, medical information analysis is difficult to be obtained due to shortage of specialists. Although until now the introduction of artificial intelligence with remote information processing has being considered, it is not yet at the level of active clinical practice.
To solve this problem in the field of EEG, we are building a safe remote EEG diagnostic system and creating an AI model to perform EEG interpretation based on data analysis by specialists. We have developed a realistic work model that will allow physicians to interpret test results and select treatment based on the generated reports. We believe that this can be done only with our system, which integrates proprietary models of medical and technological collaboration. By using the cloud, we will be able to provide our services widely throughout the world.

Illustration of people


Picture of  Dr. Nakajima

Chief Executive Officer

Madoka Nakajima 

Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,Juntendo University Hospital

Field of specialization:
General and functional neurosurgery (epilepsy, hydrocephalus, Parkinson's disease, dementia, pain)

Educational History
1997 M.D., Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan
Professional Background (Employment History)
March 1997 Examination of National Medical Profession Board Certification
May 1997 – April 1999 Junior Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University Hospital
June 1999 - August 2003 Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University Hospital
October 2003- March 2004 Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Saiseikai Kawaguchi General Hospital
April 2004 - March 2006 Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Fujisawa City Hospital
April 2006 - Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery,
Juntendo University Hospital
January 2013 -Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University Hospital
April 2018 Visiting Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,
Kuopio University Hospital, University of Eastern Finland

Picture of  Dr. Sugano

Chief Medical Officer

Hidenori Sugano

Associate professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University

Research field: Functional Neurosurgery (Epilepsy, Involuntary movement, Hydrocephalus, Dementia, Spasticity, Intractable Pain)

1992 Graduation from medical school of Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan 1992 Examination of National Medical Profession Board Certification

1992  Passed the Examination of National Board
1992 –1994  Junior Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University
1994 – 1997  Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University
1997 – 1998  Visiting fellow, NINDS, NIH, US
1998 – 2000  Research fellow, Naval Medical Institute, US
2000 – 2003  Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University
2003 – 2004   Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
2004 – 2009   Medical Staff, Department of Neurosurgery,Juntendo University
2009 – 2018 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University
2014-  Director of Juntendo Epilepsy center
2018-  Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University
2023    Director of Sugano Neurosurgical Clinic

Picture of  Dr. Tanaka

Chief Technical Officer

Toshihisa Tanaka

東京農工大学 大学院工学研究院 教授

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Research Field
Biosignal Informatics (Biomedical Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Neuroscience)

March1997 B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
April2000 Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
March 2002 Ph.D. in Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
October 2002 Researcher, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
April 2004 Senior Lecturer, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April 2006 Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
October 2018 - Present Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Picture of Matsui

Vice President of Engineering 

Ryosuke Matsui

Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Researcher, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

March 2018 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
March 2020 Master of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Work Experience
April 2020– October 2021 Technical Assistant, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
November 2021– Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Researcher, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology





Create and provide highly accurate EEG diagnosis and contribute to improving the level of medical care

Figure of recording brainwave


 Secure sharing of clinical and research data from multiple institutions

Figure of uploading diagnisis report



 Introduce EEG sharing system between epilepsy centers.



Collect records from EEG reading reports and refine AI through analysis.

Figure of network


Company Name


Description of Business 

 General manager 

Location of head office


Sigron Inc.

September 6, 2022

Sales of medical equipment; planning, development, sales and maintenance of computer systems; management consulting; consulting for multi-center joint research; various information services using the Internet; planning, editing, publishing, and sales of books and printed materials

Madoka Nakajima

2-23-1 Kandasudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

5 million yen



Thank you for your inquiry

“SIGRON Co. Ltd. has an established practice safeguarding the private information of all participants related to the Services it provides.This practice is based on the highest existing legal regulations and ethical priciples governing patient care.The full Privacy policy of SIGRON Co. Ltd. is available here:”

© 2022 Sigron Inc.

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